Musical Director

Anna Harcourt

Image of Anna Harcourt CCOTS Musical Director
CCOTS choir was formed in the autumn of 2022 and now rehearses every Wednesday evening in school term time at Shenington School. It is a community choir with no auditions and the emphasis is on singing songs we enjoy singing, fun and friendship.

Anna Harcourt is the CCOTS musical director and her wealth of experience has seen the choir grow both in terms of singing quality and numbers. Anna has masses of positive enthusiasm, great patience and an ability to share her great love of music with all the choir members. Here is a short biography of Anna:

Anna moved to Tysoe in Aug 22 and had a great desire to set up a community choir. Anna has been involved in choral singing for many years. She sang with the RSCM's Millennium youth choir as a teenager and had the privilege of conducting the Bristol University Chamber choir, whilst completing her undergraduate degree in music there.

Anna and her family have travelled around a little and whilst in Germany and Cyprus, Anna was able to conduct the Military Wives Choirs. She very much enjoyed the challenge of learning to conduct a mix of musical abilities whilst seeing the joy that the choir community brought to the women involved. During her time with the Military Wives Choir, Anna had incredible opportunities to perform and conduct alongside whole military bands.

Anna has performed as a soloist on many occasions but two of the most memorable occasions were at the very last ever, joint German-Anglo carol service in the beautiful Cathedral in Paderborn, with a huge audience of over 2000 people, and as part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus, where Anna had the joy of conducting a huge, combined Military Wives Choir, alongside a full military band.

Anna now works in schools across Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, teaching instrumental lessons, whole class music lessons and running primary school choirs. She gets immense joy from seeing people of all ages and stages engage in and enjoy music. Anna says 'it has been an honour to see CCOTS grow in confidence and ability over the course of the last two years and it has been wonderful to welcome new members'.

Alongside CCOTS, Anna enjoys conducting 5Ways Chorus, a men barbershop chorus in Banbury.  
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Community Choir of Oxhill, Tysoe and Shenington